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Fall 2022


Note!! For Fall 2022 Special Grant Supported Pricing (subsidized to provide 75% discounts!!) on all of our Corvallis Parks and Recreation Partnered Programs.  Do not miss out on this!


Go Straight to Fall Programs Registration 2022




Forest Gang (Corvallis) 9a-12p, 2-5 yo

Willamette Park Rotary Shelter

Designed as a drop off/pick up program with some exceptions for younger participants or appropriate circumstances.  Min 4 participants with 2 instructors.

Early childhood is a short period of time that impacts the entire lifespan. By age 6,  90% of their adult brain volume is formed so these years have critical influences. The foundation built in early childhood has implications, not only in social and academic achievement, but also in physical health outcomes. By taking advantage of the unique setting of an outdoor program, your child won't miss out on this critical time! Through exploring nature as a Forest Gang, participants form critical neurological/socio-emotional pathways (available uniquely through engagement with the outdoors) that extend far beyond the scope of this program. Don't miss out on this special chance for your little one! Register for one or more days weekly. You are encouraged to phone Dan at Coyle Outside with any questions. Come dressed for the weather with snacks and water.


Tuesdays 9am-12pm

Wednesdays 9am-12pm

Thursdays 9am-12pm

Fridays 9am-12pm


 After School Hours


Immersive Foraging & Wildcraft

 3p-6:30p Fridays, 9-14 yo​


Lead by Ingrid Gendreau participants develop knowledge and wisdom of the natural world.  This (and Ingrid) are a not to be missed, great opportunity for families of grade school age homeschoolers or distance learners to get hands on science and skills education.  Ingrid has developed and refined an intentional curriculum that  has students exploring temporal, physical and spatial changes in the natural environment and playing with diverse projects such as wild salads and teas or fire making fungi.   Class meets in different locations from week to week.  See registration for more details.


Adventure Clan Thursdays 3:15-6p, 6-9 yo​


Adventure Clan is an afternoon and after school hours program for any family looking to keep outdoor play, education and connection reliably scheduled into the week.  Research and intuition both point to the incredible value of time spent being human in the natural world as a child.  Similar in theme and content to Wild Tribe this program provides an active, physical, social and experiential education where participants develop relationships through shared exploration, team projects and scenarios.   Participants may play a camoflaging game, build boats from natural materials, make maps of the site they are using or take part in a marshmellow and hot dog cookout that they build the fire for.  Adventure Clan keeps nature a regular experience and social opportunity in your participants year.  Programs vary somewhat according to location and lead instructor.  We meet in a diversity of locales through the semester.  The


Archery Scout​ Tues 3:15 - 5:30, 9-14 yo

Led by experienced instructors, this weekly offering takes participants through the progression of target shooting and familiarizes them with gear, safety and technique.

Participants will practice all aspects of archery and work on target shooting, moving targets, shooting while concealed and from high angles. We will practice with traditional recurve and compound bows. All equipment is provided. Instructor will go over how to build arrows and survival bows as well as how to string bows.


Mountain Biking​ Wed 3:15 - 6, 9-14 yo

This program follows a skills progression. Initial meetings will cover gear, skills assessment, etiquette and safety measures. It will build into practicing balance, steering, braking and navigation fundamentals. Meetings will move into increasingly more challenging skills and introduce regular trails riding by class three or four. We will also learn about trail construction and design.

Parents may caravan to trail heads or choose to have youth transported. Instructor will notify parents of meeting place/trailhead each week.

Participants need a functional and safe working condition mountain bike and helmet. We recommend a biking backpack with camel bak or similar water storage system.


Day Programs/Homeschool


WilderSchool​ Mon and Wed 9a-2p, 7-12 yo


This program is designed for families looking for a nature based, experiential approach to education. We will meet or field trip to various sites while following a week to week curriculum of skills based lessons and explorations. Borrowing from the Coyle Outside Outdoor School Curriculum participants will, for example, learn about Geography through learning Navigation, study native Fauna through Tracking, Physics and Engineering through survival traps, Aquatic Ecology through Fishing, and introduction to Chemistry through Fire building, Plant Anatomy through knifecraft, Meteorology and Habitat through Shelter building etc.. Students will have time to explore and play, build relationships, learn to solve problems, communicate, lead and follow more effectively.


Field Scout Immersive 9-14 yo


This program includes 5 Field Trips an overnight camping trip and a 3 day backpacking trip.  This program is for adventurous and focused participants who want to build competency and judgement with outdoor skills and for outdoor trips.  We will teach from our newly developed skills inventory and this program will assess each participants evolution in hard skills and leadership and communication skills.  We will include short discussions on leadership, crisis management, communication and decision making during each session.  Overnight trips will occur late in the Fall and this is intentional so that students will be able to test their skills against rainy season Oregon weather conditions.  By the way, we recommend this program for any participant who may want to someday become a junior instructor with Coyle Outside.  Lead by Daniel Coyle and Ingrid Gendreau.


Skills Trade Nights, 3rd Wed of each Month, 6-7:30p  

These sessions are for Instructors, Jr Counselors, Instructor Candidates and for those who share our goals and are curious to know more about what we do and who we are.  Each session we will practice and/or dialogue about a distinct skill whether it be KnifeCraft, Survival Bracelet Making or the Pedagogy of Nature Based Education.  Call us for more info. 


AND check these local offerings out and tell them we sent you!  We recommend them all highly.


Regenerative Roots Non Profit Homeschool Programs - Be in touch with Paul as they are currently developing their plans for the Fall


Fern and Feather Forest School - Brian offers amazing free play, 100% outside nature connection programming for pre school age youth.  



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