Experiential Outdoor Programs
We Value Adversity & Adventure
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About Us
Adventure, Discovery, Inspiration First!
Coyle Outside Mission- To provide access to outdoor learning, experience, and discovery and support in the development of self, skills, and community.
We don't always put safety first at Coyle Outside. That is said with trepidation. Our culture, especially around kids, often values safety above all else. Much of the time this makes the best sense but sometimes this can leave things like good judgement, relationship, trust, connection to come AFTER. Being vulnerable to small and moderate failure provides opportunities to create heroic personal victories and to experience being one's own changemaker.
We further believe in a distinction between 'Discovery' and 'Learning' where discovery changes a person forever. So, we endeavor to guide as much as teach, allowing for invention and "Ah Ha!" moments. We believe that wisdom (as well as a beautiful, rich life) comes through failures and experiencing discomfort

We Believe:
Discovery Transforms
Making a Difference Connects Us
Adversity is a Prerequisite for Wisdom and Common Sense

We want to work with families who want to take chances and stretch themselves.
We are interested in the power that comes from making a difference in the world more than what comes from pursuing happiness. We develop people who are capable of making sacrifices in the near term that pay off in the long term. We want for students to leave our programs feeling like they had to generate some courage and that they pushed themselves to do something that would not have happened on its own. We want them to leave with stories to tell.

We remember we are not here to create epiphanies. These sometimes happen, and most of the time we don't even know. But we ARE here dedicatedly to influence the course our students take. We aspire to move the dial on their compass one degree so that in 10, 20, 30 years they end up in a much different and bigger place. We do this through modeling respect, hard work, curiosity and supporting youth through their experiences with us.
The Coyle Outside Model
Our model trains instructors to provide mentorship as much as technical skills instruction. We train our teams with the opportunity for both personal and professional development. The majority of our programming is through public partnerships (typically schools and parks & recreation agencies). This allows us to work with a broad demographic of families. These partnerships provide a percentage of income back into the communities we work in. We take pride in the presence we have created in many smaller towns and cities.
Making a Difference
We shape programs fostering competence, character, confidence, and connectivity.
Cultivating Connections
Our partnerships with schools, cities, and non-profits comprise 90% of our programs.

Expanding Horizons
Our mobile instructors journey to deliver programs in otherwise unreachable locations.

Who we are
And what we do
Coyle Outside was founded in 2011 by Daniel Coyle.
We have three program umbrellas:
Outschool a Coyle Outside Foundation project
Summer camps in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Maryland
Oregon Outdoor School provider
We love opportunities to work with towns, small cities and small to medium school districts where there is demand for quality outdoor programming and outdoor education but fewer resources to reliably meet demand.
We provide private programs and classes, partnering with parents, homeschool groups, and individuals to create new offerings.
Much of our curriculum and programming has been the result of instructors who have introduced and developed various camps and workshops. ​
Interested in collaborating? We'd love to hear from you!

Coyle Outdoors
PO Box 2389
Corvallis, Oregon 97333

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